A Burning by Megha Majumdar

I have to admit this book is a bit hard to rate for me. It is certainly well written and compelling. I did end up finishing it in like 3 sittings, but was altogether left unsatisfied and felt quite depressed and angry (if that was the author's intention, well done).

We're following three different character POVs, which are easily to distinguish in language and tone and the pacing is just right.

Before I read this book I didn't know what a hijra was, but this was quickly remedied by doing research online and watching a documentary on Youtube, which was fascinating. Female genital mutilation is also mentioned and unfortunately still practiced in hijra communities today.

*SPOILER ALERT* I cannot fault Lovely or PT Sir, who ended up making the best of the situation and practicing self-preservation while Jivan was the sacrificial lamb led to the slaughter for the enjoyment of the masses.

A Burning still doesn't quite reach the level of A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry as I hoped it would, but this is only her debut novel and I will keep reading her next work for sure.


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