The Silent Treatment by Abbie Greaves

This book wasn't really what I was expecting from the blurb. I had no idea that this was about a couple that was "happily married" for over 40 years. I expected more something along the lines of young or middle-aged couple with relationship problems than a family drama.
I can see why many people adore this book, but I found the ending too convenient, the story overly dramatic and it simply didn't resonate with me.

We're basically dealing with Frank, who's a quiet and selfish guy obsessed with his wife Maggie and Maggie craves for a family she never had, living through a miscarriage and ending up depressed and obsessed with her daughter.
Both of them start hiding important things about their daughter and from what I read, both of them say repeatedly how happy and great their marriage is, but they have serious communication problems.
I just couldn't relate to their behavior at all. They didn't speak about their finances properly (if they can afford this particular house or when Maggie wants to be a stay-at-home-mum) nor about their daughter's issues. I do believe that there are families out there that might be like this, but I simply cannot relate as it is unfathomable to me, not to speak to my partner openly about all those incredibly important topics.

That's 2 coffee cups out of 5 for me and the book is available now.

Thank you Random House UK Cornerstone and Netgalley for providing me with an eARC.


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