The City Among the Stars by Francis Carsac

The people at Flame Tree Press have put out some amazing titles this year, but unfortunately this one was a miss for me. Not the Golden Age Science Fiction classic that I expected.

The main character Tankar is an arrogant, self-centered, intolerant, tantrum-throwing, sexist guy set in his ways. He literally punches Orena (yes, she slapped him first, but still), he calls her a "female" and an "advantist bitch", but sleeps with her anyway. 
He also has the hots for the head-honcho's librarian niece Anaena, who detests him, because he's a "planetarian" (racist term for Earth-born), but he doesn't care because she's so hot. I could go on an on throwing down examples, but I think you get the gist of it. I liked the premise of him being saved and then exploring the spaceship and different culture, point of views and religious belief system of the inhabitants, but the writing feels stiff and I don't like any of the characters except Orena. 

It's not a good read if you're consider yourself being against racism and bigotry.

I cannot with good conscience recommend this to anybody except hard-core science fiction fans that like to read older works.

Thank you Flame Tree Press and Netgalley for providing me with an eARC for an honest review.


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