Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Aurora Burning was one of my most anticipated YA titles for this year and I was super excited to have gotten approved for a Netgalley eARC.
The recap at the beginning was well done, as it has been quite awhile since I read the first book and I'm hoping that more publishers consider starting off with a recap.

After a few pages I already found my favorite quote of the whole book: 
"You let your male speak in public?"
The story, pacing and plot was great but then I had to read approximately one and a half pages about Scarlet's tits, her cleavage problems and boy issues, while one of her best friends died and the whole universe is on the brink of destruction. I thought to myself is there no other way you could've made her interesting of funny?
After those pages, every time I read something about somebody's crotch, underwear or breasts, I loudly groaned and rolled my eyes. 
It felt as if the authors were trying really hard to sound like a cool, hormone-filled adolescent and it just came out so incredibly cringey.
Another issue I faced was that I couldn't find much difference between the POVs I was currently reading and for me it wasn't clear enough. I had to backtrack to the beginning of the chapter to see whom I was currently reading about (except Scarlet, because there was either something about cleavage or her boyfriend pros and cons).

This would've been a 5 star read if not for those two points above, but I will still continue on with the series. That cliffhanger though.

Thank you Netgalley and Oneworld Publications for providing me with an eARC for review.
All opinions expressed are my own.


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