Physical TBR crash list #1

At the moment I have 48 unread books on my bookshelf mostly from book, library and op shop sales and even some that I bought full price and haven't read yet. I'm also quite behind with my Netgalley eARC list (17 eARCs, 2 of those I have nearly finished reading and one is finished, but I haven't written a review yet).

The genre that stands out the most is my classics. I don't know why I keep buying and collecting them.
Most of them are just 3-star reads for me or a real challenge to get through (main exception is the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas; I love this book). 
After starting my own minimalism journey and doing lots and lots of thinking about my values, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be viewed as a "well-read" individual, but moving forward I am letting go of this kind of thinking pattern.

Books are going to leave this shelf, if I don't love them and would re-read them. Full stop. 
It doesn't matter what other people think of my book shelf.

Down below is my first crash list of 2020.

The rules are simple:
  1. Select 5 books from your physical TBR list (pick some different genres, especially if you are a mood reader like I am).
  2. Your time limit to finish those is 30 days.
  3. Any unread books will be donated/sold immediately after the 30 day ultimatum (this will give you urgency to finish them, because you HAVE to get rid of them if you don't).

I'm starting with a good mix for my first crash list:

  • The Odyssey - Penguin Black Classics
  • Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
  • Angel's Blood - Nalini Singh
  • Ruin (#3 in the Faithful and the Fallen series) - John Gwynne
  • The Thirteenth Tale - Diane Setterfield
Since I'm late posting this, this means I've already started on this pile (last day to finish the books is the 15/05/2020).
  • I DNFed Odyssey after 150 pages as I dislike reading in verse, although I love greek mythology.
  • I've DNFed Wuthering Heights as well after I tried the first couple of chapters. Reason is that I dislike the writing style and choice of words of Emily Bronte. I was hoping for a similar reading experience as I had with Jane Austen's titles.
  • I've finished Angel's Blood quite quickly and a full review is coming for this one soon.
  • I'm currently reading the Thirteenth Tale and I'm enjoying it so far.
  • I just finished Valor, book 2 of the Faithful and Fallen series and I'm still mourning the loss of many of my favorite characters, so Ruin will be the last that I'll be picking off this pile.
What are you guys reading and the moment and how do you tackle your physical and ebook TBR lists?

Happy reading,


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