
Welcome to Kaffeeklatsch and Books,

My name is Anya and I am a book blogger.

My favorite genres are fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, literary fiction and some YA. I do read non-fiction, but only topics I'm really interested in, for example art.

On this blog you will get positive, negative and mixed reviews and all of the opinions expressed here are my own. Netgalley is one of my favorite go-to pages for advanced reader copies and I regularly post about upcoming releases and titles that I reviewed.

I consider myself a minimalist and my goal is to combine minimalism with my passion of books and reading

Before my own minimalism journey I needed to own books, even the same book with a different cover or first edition and my hoard was growing until I ran out of space. I nearly bought that second book shelf, but changed my mind and downsized. I now have a very limited amount of space and I started to compile "physical TBR crash piles" and a Netgalley eARC overdue list (to those more in the next few posts).

I guess what I really want to say is, that I want to go back to the basics

Spend time at the library and make use of the free options (borrow library books and using my Libby app) and talk more with like-minded people about the books I love. I am currently working on a list of bookish rules for myself.

Topics I'm going to write about:
  • My favorite publishing houses
  • Minimalism and books
  • New releases I am excited about
  • Translated Fiction
  • My all time favorites
  • Netgalley eARCs
  • Ways to minimize my physical books and maximize my reading experience while trying not to spend lots of money on books
  • Book reviews
  • Reading challenges
I've already culled, gifted and donated about 3/4 of my books, which gives me now more space to display a carefully curated collection of my all time favorites and books I will re-read.

Down below a photo of the current state of my bookshelf:

My next blog post will be about 5 Netgalley eARCs I am most excited about and my physical TBR crash list.

Thanks for your time,


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